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     Xylitol crystal 【 BACK 】
Xylitol crystal

 Xylist Crystal 25Kg Packing

Xylist Crystal 5Kg Packing

Tianjin Guigu Science & Technology Development Co. Ltd
China standard number: --GB 13509-1992
Basic facts on xylitol :

Xylitol is classified broadly as a carbohydrate and more narrowly as a polyol. Its molecular formula is C5H10O5 and its molecular weight is 150.15. Xylitol is the normal middle product of the metabolism of xylose. Xylitol is a white crystalline substance and it is easy to be melted in the water (solubility: 160g/100ml) Xylitol is widely distributed throughout nature in small amounts. Some of the best sources are fruits, vegetables, cereal crops, mushrooms lettuce, hardwoods, rice straw and corn cobs. It can be used as sweetener, nutrition and medicament in chemical, food and pharmaceutical and many other industries.
Why use xylitol :

The 5-carbon sugar xylitol was discovered by Fisher and Stahe in Germany around 1891 and it was not put into use as an important medical ingredient until 50 years later.

1. Calorie supplement : Xylitol produces the same amount of calories as glucose and can be used as calorie supplement nutrition clinically.

2. Sugar metabolism improvement :
Without the help of insulin, metabolism of xylitol goes directly through cell membrane without the increase of the blood sugar density. It tastes just like glucose and boosts secrete of insulin so that it can be used as the substitute for the sugar for diabetics.

3. Ketone body producing prevention :
Xylitol can decrease the producing of blood plasma fatty acid. Therefore it can be used as the medicine for diabetes and anaesthesia during the operation for diabetic ketoacidosis.

4. Tooth decay prevention :
Xylitol can prevent the bacteria causing tooth decay from growing thus it can prevent tooth decay effectively.

5. Body weight control :
Xylitol can cure obesity with its function of preventing glycerol, neutral fat and free fatty acids from synthesizing.

6.  Adrenaline boost :
Xylitol is very steady and no chemical reaction will occur even when xylitol is heated together with amino acid. It can be mixed with amino acid to make different medical preparation. Xylitol is also beneficial to the elderly and the weak because it is able to boost secrete of gastric juice and adrenaline, increase activity of pancreas and bile duct and NADPH2 ATP.

7. Constipation treatment :
Xylitol is absorbed more slowly by intestine than other carbon hydrate. It can be used as mild purgative for elderly constipation without any pain and or side effect.
Who is suitable for xylitol :
1.Diabetic :

Xylitol is a diabetic-fighter, nutritional agent and the best sweetener. Diabetes is known as the top third killer after AIDS and cancer. It is therefore named "Sub-cancer". According to a survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medical Science, of over 40,000 permanent residents aged 20 to 74 across 11 provinces/municipalities in China, the morbidity ratio of diabetes was 3.21% and 4.76% has lower tolerance to sugar. That translates into 5000 to 6000 people with either diabetic or lower tolerance to sugar. Out of which, 5% belongs to the former with most of the sufferers coming from children and young people and patients suffering acute attack and severe deficiency of insulin. The rest 95% belongs to the latter with most of the sufferers from the elderly and patients of chronic symptoms and likely to be overlooked. Mere diabetes is not a serious problem. But its complications may be dangerous and fatal. For example, the acute complications may include ketonemia oxidizes, high permeability coma and lactic acidosis. The chronic complications may cover cardiovascular, retina, renal and nervous pathologic process. Such complications not only afflict the patients but also endanger patients’ life.

Xylitol as the normal middle product of the metabolism of xylose does not need the help of insulin. Xylitol has its unique channel of metabolism: first produce glucuronic through acid xylulose and hexoxe monophohpate pathway, and then produce glucose-6-phosphate, after that synthesize glycogen or go through an oxidant metabolism process to gain energy. Xylitol can adjust abnormal carbohydrate catabolism and it can also supply nutrition and energy to cells through cell membrane when there is a deficiency of insulin. Diabetic syndromes can be eased, thirsty and hunger almost disappear and GLU decreases after patients take xylitol. Long-term use of xylitol can make the diabetic syndromes disappear and therefore diabetic complications can be controlled effectively.

2. High risk group of adults and children for dental caries :

Chewing gums are very popular because it can eliminate the bad breath in the mouth, exercise the muscle of the oral cavity and jaw, and ease the psychological pressure. It is especially popular and fashionable among young people. However the sugar contents in the chewing gums increase the dental caries incidence. Therefore sugar-free chewing gums are the best choice for those people. Among the choices of sugar-free chewing gum sweeteners, xylitol tastes good as the substitute of sugar and it can not be metabolized by streptococcus mutans to produce acid. Xylitol can accumulate inside the cell membrane of streptococcus mutans and produce cell poisonousness which restraint the growth of streptococcus mutans and lower the sticking capacity of streptococcus mutans. Thus xylitol restraint the bacteria and affect its dental caries capacity to achieve the excellent anti-dental caries effect.

Xylitol has an effect of inhibiting tooth decay. Keeping it in the mouth from time to time will help prevent tooth caries. Due to this characteristic, it is widely used in gumdrop, chewing gum, candies and chocolate. In Japan, it`s also broadly applied in medicines and cosmetics. Gumdrop made with xylitol as sweetener is designed for dental patients. In Europe, sugar-free chewing gum constitutes over 50% of the chewing gum market.

According to a German report, in 1997, the sugar-free chewing gum occupy a market share of 73% in the U.K., 71% in Germany, 57% in France, 53% in Italy, and 95% in Finland. As to other candies, in 1998, the sugar-free type constituted 47% in Switzerland, 25% in Germany, and 25% in Italy. Along with the developing economy and improving living standard, sugar-free foods are more and more popular with the Chinese consumers. Accordingly, they will take a growing market share year by year.

Xylitol is resistant to the S mutant in mouth and won't be fermented into harmful dental plaque acid. It inhibits the growth of dental plaque and acidic formation, stimulates the flow of protective saliva, changes the constituents of saliva, slows the reducing process of the pH value, and reduces the dental decay due to the plaque acid. Cane sugar also promotes saliva secretion, but that's not enough to overweigh the acidic effect caused by the streptococcal mutant. By contrast, after xylitol is taken, the basic amino acid and ammonia concentration in the saliva and at the carious plaque will rise, pushing up the pH value. As a result, the xylitol-5-phosphate will resettle on the enamel, thus re-strengthening the teeth and repairing impaired enamel. Xylitol can inhibit bacterial reproduction and acid formation, thus leading to 90% reduction of acidic product by lactic acid bacteria and streptococcal mutant and resulting decrease of bacteria-dependent fatty phosphoric acid in the saliva and the plaques. As a result, the bacteria adsorbed to the dental surface are inhibited, and plaques are reduced in number.
Xylitol food series :

Xylitol is mainly used in mooncake, cake, juice, beverages, coffee, milk, bread, candy, soybean-dietary-fiber-based food, cookies, biscuits and many other foods. It is used in tooth paste, batteries and cosmetics as well.

According to a survey of 23 countries on death causes, the WHO called for giving up sugar. Excessive consumption of sugar is very likely to cause obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, which, in turn, are major elements leading to shorter life span. Health foods are becoming a hit worldwide that is drawing more and more attention from consumers and developers. Function food made with xylitol instead of cane sugar has the advantages of good safety, taste, stability, and water-solubility, thus being more and more marketable.

Xylitol has a capacity of heat solution as 10 times higher than that of cane sugar, in other words, when xylitol is dissolved, it tends to absorb large amount of heat, and makes the medium cooler. Food made with xylitol has a cool taste, augmenting the flavor of peppermint or spearmint.
It may be used in the following fields such as :

1、In chewing gum, gumdrop, toffee, soft candy, fruit jelly, chocolate and tablets, it can moisten the throat, clean the teeth and prevent dental caries.

2、As a substitute for crane sugar, it won't be fermented and it tastes better, last longer when used in beverage, milk , bread, preserved fruit, biscuit, yogurt, jam and eight-treasure porridge.

3、Xylitol has the same effect of keeping moisture and improving rough skin as propylene glycol does. It can be used in different types of skin care products and tooth past at the same time it is refreshing to use and without the sticking feeling.

4、Xylitol can supply ideal crane sugar substitute to diabetic. Xylitol can be used as the substitute for crane sugar in juice, beverage, coffee, milk, bread, and candy etc. It may also replace crane sugar to make such hot Chinese dishes as sweet and sour spareribs and sweet and sour fish etc. In general, diabetic may take xylitol the same way healthy people do within the suggested max dosage limit for adults of 40 g per day and half of the dosage for children.
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Tianjin Guigu Science & Technology Development Co.,Ltd